Pupil Premium Funding – What Is It?

 The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It is allocated to schools and academies to support pupils who:

 have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years since summer 2008 (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’);

  • are, or have been, Looked after by the Local Authority for at least 6 months;

  • are, or have been, adopted from care under the Adoption and Children Act 2002;

  • have left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order (known as post-LAC); or,

  • have parents in the armed forces.

Nationally, statistics show that children in receipt of FSM do less well than their peers in tests and exams. The aim of this money is to try to close that attainment gap by allowing the school to direct additional resources towards individual learning needs.

We are required by OFSTED to publish how much Pupil Premium money we receive and how we have chosen to spend that money and the impact it has had.

 Our tracking system allows us to monitor the children’s progress. From 2014, we now look closely at the attainment and achievement of all pupils and in particular those children in more vulnerable groups such as free school meals and Looked After Children to ensure that they are making the expected progress, in line with their peers and with children in other schools nationally. 

 The funding per child is as follows:-

  • Free School Meals (FSM) – currently funded at £1320 per pupil

  • Looked After Children (LAC) - currently funded at £1900 per pupil

  • Armed Forces Children (AFC) – currently funded at £300 per pupil

Until the financial year 2016/17, Blackpool Gateway Academy received its Pupil Premium allocation as part of Westcliff Primary School/Tower Trust.

Pupil Premium

Updated: 02/07/2024 170 KB
Updated: 09/12/2020 96 KB


PE and Sport Premium

Updated: 17/11/2023 758 KB
Updated: 15/09/2023 284 KB


Swimming competency for our current Y6 cohort

Percentage of Year 6 pupils that can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres

Percentage of Year 6 pupils that can use a range of strokes effectively


Percentage of Year 6 pupils that can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 75%