PAN Consultation Proposed reduction in the Published Admission Number (PAN) from 60 to 45 for Gateway Primary Academy with effect from September 2023.
The current PAN for Gateway Academy is 60, which means no more than 60 children can be admitted into Reception each year. Currently admissions are below PAN and figures from Blackpool Council show that the birth rate for future years is reducing significantly.
As a result, Fylde Coast Academy Trust and Gateway Academy are seeking to consult and reduce the PAN from 60 to 45. This reduction in PAN will not affect the ethos, values and success of Gateway Academy. Reducing the PAN will assist the school and the Trust to provide stability in its long-term planning and allow the school to continue to secure high quality education for the pupils currently on roll, whilst continuing to provide an appropriate number of places for future pupils in line with local demand.
Be assured that Fylde Coast Academy Trust will continue to review local demand and if there is a lack of school places in the futures, increasing the PAN back to 60 would be considered.
The proposal means that the number of places available for children in Reception in 2023, and all subsequent Reception cohorts will be 45. This change will have no effect on children already attending Gateway Academy.
Factors that have been considered by Fylde Coast Academy Trust, in consultation with the Local Academy Council and Blackpool Council Admissions team, are:
The continued ability of Gateway Academy to provide sufficient places for local children The provision of the most appropriate learning environment for all pupils, thus facilitating continuing school improvement Future resource planning and management.
How to respond
This consultation will run from Monday 11 th October 2021 until Monday 22 nd November 2021.
You are invited to submit comments in writing about the proposal either by:
Email – ciara.gregson@fcat.org.uk
Post – FAO Ciara Gregson, Fylde Coast Academy Trust, Armfield Academy, Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TL.
Following the consultation period, Fylde Coast Academy Trust, in consultation with the Local Academy Council will consider any comments received and how to proceed. Admission arrangements for September 2023 will be determined by 28 th February 2022.